Monday, May 18, 2009

Be Productions Does not Answer to BBB

Please Read the BBB response to my complaint:
Complaint Details

My Artist's Place, LLC
6005 Yolanda Avenue
Tarzana, CA 91356
Phone: (510) 899-6780

In the absence of any response from the company this complaint despite our two requests to them, we are closing our file on this complaint.

This unanswered complaint will become part of the information we report to the public on this company for the next three years. Should any government agency request our files on this company, your complaint will also be included.

If you have settled this complaint directly with the company, would you please email us to let us know that, as well as any other comments you might have. Your help in doing this is important to ensure that our report to the public on this company is accurate.

Thank you for using the Better Business Bureau.

Complaint ID: 98403905

Complaint Classification:

Complaint Description - Posted 4/17/2009

On May 8, 2008 we signed a contract with Be.,LLc for their "Movie Star Package". At the time of signing the contract we were made a verbal agreement that once our son has completed the requirements, which included several things that we had to pay out of our pocket for (this was in addition to the $3,495 we paid) like i.e. photo’s, rising stars boot camp, money management class. Our son was promised once these things were completed that he would be in a Be., television show and be paid for such. My son completed all of his commitments, and since 9/08 we have been getting the run-around on this being fulfilled. At this point it appears that Be is in direct violation of this agreement by the "head" talent director Doningo and request a refund based on failure to adhere to this contract. We have tried to talk to be about this, but their customer service phone number is not working, and it appears that they are moving from the office in Emeryville Ca and are moving to Tarzana Ca. There is a complete failure to adhere to our contract.

Complaint Summary

There is a complete failure to adhere to our contract.

Resolution Sought

We are asking for a complete refund, based on the failure of Domingo to adhere to his verbal agreement.

Additional Information

Date Problem First Occurred:
Product or Service: Providing Memb service for acting, photography and modeling classes
Model Name or Number:
Date Purchased: 5/8/2008
Order Number:
Amount In Dispute: $3,495.00

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