Thursday, February 4, 2010

Class Action Law Suit against Be Productions,a message from Ethan Preston

Class action lawsuit against Be., LLC
Thu, February 4, 2010 8:42:08 AM
Ethan Preston
View Contact
To: Ethan Preston
Dear Parents,

This email contains information about a class action complaint against Be., LLC and several other related businesses and people. We are writing to update you on the progress of the case because you have contacted one of the attorneys at my firm, or at the co-counsel firms also involved in the case (Parisi & Havens LLP and Bramson, Plutzik, Mahler & Birkhaeuser LLP). You can read a copy of the complaint here:

We are currently focused on the following Defendants: Monterey Financial Services, LLC., 1901 Co., Jacob Steinbeck, My Talent Services (also known as MTS Holdings Group, Inc.), and its owner Vitaly Rashkovan. We would like to hear from anyone with any additional information about these Defendants (beyond what is in the Complaint). If you have any information about these Defendants, please email me with a brief description at your earliest convenience. It is important that you email us, so that we can assign the right person to speak with you as efficiently as possible. One of our priorities is gathering information from anyone interacted with My Talent Services. We also know that many parents refused to continue paying their service fees to Monterey Financial Services, LLC after seeing the 7 On Your Side newscast on Be., LLC. (You can see the 7 On Your Side Newscast here: Another priority is gathering information from anyone who discussed the newscast with any of Monterey Financial Services, LLC's employees.

You do not need to contact us at this time to ensure that you are included in the class action. You do not need to "opt-in" to the class at this time. (Please understand that hundreds of people have contacted us. We understand many of you are very upset with the Defendants' actions and want to ensure you are included in the class action, but there is no need to do so and individually speaking with each parent would take a significant amount of time away from the legal work that needs to be done in this case.) We will do our best to keep you informed on the general status, but because we do not directly represent each of you (prior to class certification), we have to be careful not to divulge information protected by the attorney-client privilege.

While we do seek to represent all of the customers that paid money to Be., LLC, at the current time we only represent the two clients individually named in the lawsuit. The usual rule is that class members who do not actively opt out are automatically included in the class action. If and when the Court certifies the case as a class action, you will receive formal notice of the lawsuit and be given the opportunity to opt out. We hope to identify all of Be., LLC's customers from the Defendants' records (not just the parents who have contacted us). If those records will not provide that information, we will contact you again for your help in documenting your claims.


Ethan Preston

Ethan Preston
Preston Law Offices

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